Yayan Alpian, Ranti Mulyani


Problems that occur in the scope of basic education include many students who cannot understand each other's opinions, lack understanding of the needs of peers, teachers, and people around them, children have low social skills and attitudes, lack trust in caring towards other people, interactions that are less pleasant, less confident, rarely communicate with others, and cause discomfort during the learning process because there is no external motivation that supports and has an impact on learning motivation that is less than the maximum. This research is motivated by the low motivation of students in learning, the relationship of interaction with the environment is not good, not optimal use of learning methods. the purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between social skills and learning motivation of fifth-grade students at Nagasari Elementary School in West Karawang District. This research is a type of quantitative correlation research. Data analysis technique to test the hypothesis is done by calculating the product-moment correlation statistics. The results of hypothesis testing, there is a relationship between social skills and student motivation. This was obtained tcount 6.933> ttable 1.989 and rxy 0.606 with a significance of 0.05 and n = 85 indicating that the hypothesis was accepted. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that social skills and student motivation have a strong relationship.


social skills, learning motivation

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